Saturday, January 12, 2013

  Good morning, been a normal one for me I am sick (not sure if it was the kids or working at the Hospital) , my three year old daughter is running around with literally two complete outfits on. lol and her Dora  umbrella yelling its raining. My seven month old son has laid down again. He finally pooped and my seventeen year old is on the run again. so there is a quick run down but not a complete one. Lots of changes ahead for me I am heading back to school I want to get my LPN and start working with hospice and Zoe has started dance class. Going to try and get enough money together to get a YMCA family membership. Also going to work lot more hours need a new car. I am going to try and post at least three new recipes a week and a thought for the day also if I can figure out how a shelter pet in need of adoption. Well this is short because Zoe is demanding her nails get painted lol. You all have a great day

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